Let's start with the bad excuse for a cleanse. The infamous Liquid Diet. You might immediately think of SlimFast. Gosh I hate that crap! It makes my job as a Nutrition Specialist and Fasting Coach so much harder. You should understand one thing... SlimFast was such an evil product. It's manufactured, it's low quality, loaded with animal protein, and unnatural vitamins and minerals your body can do without. Not only was it a disgrace of a meal, it also had the word FAST in it. Why? why did they have to do that? So frustrating. Drinking animal slush that is laced with chemicals, artificial coloring, and artificial flavors, isn't meant to FAST with or even safe for consumption! Fasting is a temporary abstinence from solid foods and also addictive substances like alcohol, coffee, and drugs. This is for therapeutic or even for religious purposes. Not only that, Fasting will support your body by resting the digestive system and relieving pressure on your circulation. As soon as you put solid food into your stomach, you will stop fasting and cleansing. Fasting doesn't work if you cheat by sneaking bites of food here and there. When you fall asleep, your body switches from an EXTERNAL FUEL (eating) to INTERNAL FUEL (fasting). Specifically, internal fuel is when your body is using carbohydrate reserves and fat depots for fuel. I know it sounds crazy, but your body does that automatically every night. During deep sleep, the body takes everything it needs from within and uses internal energy to cleanse and detoxify the system! By the way, Halitosis (bad breath) and a coated tongue in the morning are signs of detox. For that reason, a coated tongue is a sign of toxicity and therefore a perfect candidate for a fast. Just saying. To explain, the word "break-fast" comes from Old English and means - BREAKING THE FAST! You are literally breaking your nightly fast with the first bite of muffin or bagel (which seems to be the staple in western countries). Therefore, fasting is a natural part of your life.
NO SOLID FOODS. NO MANUFACTURER FOOD PRODUCTS. AND FOR SURE NO SLIMFAST OR MILKS OF ANY KIND during a Fast! Just fresh juice, water, and tea during a JUICE FAST. NEVER incorporate fiber supplements and or protein powder in any form with your fast. Specially never eat, drink whey protein, which is a waste product from the cheese industry. It's mucus forming, toxic to the system and specially to the kidneys. It's very acidic. Many people have gotten very sick and also have died adding protein (whey) to fasts, even in "wanna be"-fasting clinics, where they had absolutely no idea what the heck they were doing! Fasting is a time of cleansing and detoxification, therefore, putting waste material in any form into your body will over tax the system and create toxins. During a fast, waste, protein, toxins and heavy metals are pulled into the bloodstream, which already creates a huge burden on the liver, kidney and the intestine. I repeat, please don't take fiber or protein supplement in any form during a fast. Through my experience with fasting, I have come to the conclusion that eating is the supply of minerals, vitamins, enzymes and fluids. It’s the chemical elements IN THE FOOD our bodies seek – not the energy (calories) OF FOOD. Probably the biggest of all objections to fasting by most is that the “faster” would become so weak without food, that he would be completely useless. Please understand that the idea that, “we must eat to keep our strength up” is the biggest nonsense ever published. The LOW ENERGY during the FAST is a SYMPTOM of DETOXIFICATION, NOT a sign of HUNGER!"Weakness is due to disease, not to lack of food. As the body is cleansed, so does strength return. Rid the body of toxins – the true cause of disease – and energy will flow freely through the body, revitalizing it and imparting to it a sense of added vitality. – “Fasting for Health and Long Life” – Hereward Carrington Blended Drink (Smoothie) is NO JUICE!There aren't many topics upsetting me more than people refereeing to smoothies as JUICE. NO, NO, NO! Smoothies are blended drinks, not juices. Juice is extracted from fruits and vegetables in a JUICER! If you're not using a juicer and end up with pulp and juice in two different containers, you're not juicing! Period. See, this is what happens out there in the world wide web. People have no idea what the heck they're doing or talking about and ending up confusing the crap out of everybody. sigh... One more time. Smoothies are made in Blenders. A blender doesn't remove anything from fruits, vegetables and supplements added. Therefore, smoothies can't be used for JUICE FASTS! Juice needs to be fresh, alive, free of pulp, and extracted with the help of a Juicer! Gosh I hope this will clear up ALL the CONFUSIONS on JUICES and SMOOTHIES out there. I love this paragraph from the book "The Gerson Therapy" My brand new book is coming out very soon and it's going to be available as a hard copy as well as an eBook format for all you impatient once. Contact me here and write "Let me Know" in the subject line if you would like to be notified about the release date. We're planning on releasing the book in early October 2015.
If you have any questions about juicing and/or fasting, please read through the articles on my blog. If you can't find an answer to your question, you can certainly write me under CONTACT. Thank you. My ARTICLE: What is Fasting Please Share and Comment. Thanks Keep Juicing and Stay Healthy Monika Baechler Juice Fasting Maven
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AuthorWelcome, I'm Mona Marie. I'm helping Women over 40 heal and rediscover their true selves again by igniting a spark and encourage hope. As a Fasting Coach, a Cert. Nutrition Specialist, and a Master Herbalist, I'm thrilled to help you on your way of healing. CategoriesAll Almond Contest Digestion Eating Disorders Fasting Food Safety Health Infection Juice Fast Juicing Milk Nasal Recipe Sinus Toxins Weight Loss Archives
February 2021