"Over the centuries, humanity had to deal with a steadily changing food supply. Depending on seasonal fluctuations or more significant natural disasters, either plenty or little food was available. Consequently, people in different areas of the world developed sophisticated strategies, e.g., seasonal fasting, to handle and overcome these problems. Possibly, in these early days, people discovered also the healing power of fasting periods. Interestingly, in all religions worldwide, we find instructions for and reports on fasting strategies to cure body and soul. In Europe, the German physician Otto Buchinger was one of the first to systematically observe and systematically document the effects of fasting on a variety of diseases and develop a concept of therapeutic fasting. - Andreas Michalsen, MD, PhD, Centre for Natural Healing, Immanuel Hospital Berlin." Let us not confuse Therapeutic Fasting with Reduced Calorie Intake Diets! Therapeutic fasting is researched and practised by thousands of clinics and Naturopaths worldwide. Medical Journals far and wide as well as scientists have researched fasting for centuries. Why do we not hear more about Therapeutic Fasting in mainstream media? It is simple, really; they are scared of Fasting Therapies. WHY? Because the doctors, governments and drug companies do not want us to know about healthy, simple, effective treatments for degenerative diseases. We all have been lead to believe that poison and toxins heal (drugs, pharmaceuticals ) while natural healing therapies, like fasting, have stopped working. Corporations make billions of dollars every year by selling the public pain medication, anti-depressants, chemotherapy, vaccines and OTC's (over the counter drugs). They would like to convince us that our body cannot do without, cannot heal without and relies on the drugs. "Disease" is a nasty word used by the medical community. Big Pharma wants us to believe that there are thousands of different diseases. However, the truth is that our body manifests toxicity symptoms, where acidosis and mucus create the biggest concern. It is foolish to treat toxicity with toxins in the form of medications. Western Medicine taught us about thousands of different diseases, but the truth is that our body is manifesting symptoms of toxicity. The most significant concerns are acidosis and mucus. It is so naive to treat toxicity with toxins in the form of medications. Just imagine for a second, you over-salted the soup. Now, to fix this problem, you go ahead and add more salt! Is this action going to FIX the saltiness of the soup, or is it going to make it worse? Correct! It is going to make it way worse. We cannot expect to add toxins (drugs) into the sick and toxic body and expect to correct or resolve our disease. A disease "symptom" is nothing else than the accumulation of poison and waste matter collected within our body, which leads to acidity. Not that we have not been warned for years by headaches, migraines, pain, obesity, and brain fog. Inflammation causes discomforts of diseases. Our body's sole goal is to keep us clean by eliminating waste, and here we are suppressing our body's efforts with drugs. If we argued that most diseases are due to improper eating habits, improper food combinations, acidic foods, animal protein over-consumption and commercially-processed foods of modern times, would you agree? Of course, there are many secondary symptoms like inflammation, yeast, mould and parasite-infections, but they all have the leading cause- over-acidity caused by bad eating habits! We cannot forget that everything we put into our stomach has to be digested. Even a healthy stomach can only digest a certain amount of food. Anything beyond a specific amount is poison, and if it cannot be eliminated because of digestive weakness, it will become waste matter and toxic. Many Naturopaths and Fasting Advocates trace back disease to three root causes:
"The accumulation of acids and toxic foreign proteins in tissues causes an immune response called inflammation. This inflammation is then diagnosed as an "itis" of some sort, e.g., Gastritis, colitis, cystitis, nephritis, bursitis, and arthritis. These are not diseases, but inflammatory responses to acidosis. This is why treating these conditions with more acid-forming drugs or steroids is ludicrous and will eventually lead to further degeneration of our tissues. It makes much better sense to alkalize and detoxify, that is, remove the acids and foreign proteins that are causing the problem in the first place." - Robert Morse, N. D. WHAT IS THERAPEUTIC FASTING? Fasting is temporary abstinence from solid foods and also addictive substances like alcohol, coffee, and drugs. Temporary abstinence from solid food is for therapeutic or even for religious purposes. Not only that, fasting will support the body by resting the digestive system and relieving pressure on the circulation. As soon as we put solid food into our stomach, fasting, and cleansing stops. Fasting does not work if we cheat by sneaking bites of food here and there. When we fall asleep, our body switches from an EXTERNAL FUEL (eating) to INTERNAL FUEL (fasting). Specifically, internal fuel is when our body is using carbohydrate reserves and fat depots for fuel. Our body does this automatically every night. During deep sleep, the body takes everything it needs from within and uses internal energy to cleanse and detoxify the system! By the way, Halitosis (bad breath) and a coated tongue in the morning are signs of detox. For that reason, a coated tongue is a sign of toxicity and therefore a perfect candidate for a fast. To explain, the word "break-fast" comes from Old English and means - BREAKING THE FAST! We break our nightly fast with the first bite of muffin or bagel (which seems to be the staple in western countries). Therefore, fasting is a natural part of our life.
NO SOLID FOODS. NO MANUFACTURER FOOD PRODUCTS. AND FOR SURE NO SLIMFAST OR ANIMAL-MILK OF ANY KIND during a Fast! Just fresh juice, water, and tea during a JUICE FAST. NEVER incorporate fibre supplements and or protein powder in any form while fasting. Mostly never eat, drink whey protein, which is a waste product from the cheese industry. It is mucus-forming, toxic to the system and especially to the kidneys. It is very acidic. Many people have gotten very sick and also have died adding protein (whey) to fasts, even in "wannabe"-fasting clinics, where they had no idea what the heck they were doing! Fasting is a time of cleansing and detoxification; therefore, putting waste material in any form into our body will overtax the system and create toxins. During a fast, waste, protein, toxins and heavy metals are pulled into the bloodstream, which already creates a significant burden on the liver, kidney and the intestine. One must never take fibre or protein supplement in any form during a fast. Through my fasting experiences, I have concluded that eating is the supply of minerals, vitamins, enzymes and fluids. The chemical elements IN THE FOOD our bodies seek are not the energy (calories) OF FOOD. According to researchers and Dr Andreas Michalsen, protein loss is not exclusively attributed to muscle mass loss. For years, it is known that patients with rheumatic or some autoimmune disease experience a substantial improvement of symptoms after some days of fasting. Therefore, one might speculate that protein breakdown is not a random but rather a well-organized and controlled process, focusing at first on disease-causing proteins, such as auto-antibodies or irregular processed proteins. (research) WHAT ABOUT MUSCLE WASTE? We can learn from the research that our muscle is being spared by fasting - by proper therapeutic fasting - the body utilizes protein waste matter instead! I have never seen muscle-wasting during a fast. Yes, we lose weight and the fullness of the muscles, but never the muscle cells. Our muscles store glycogen for quick access and supply quick energy to us when we need it. It is important to note that under exceptional circumstances, and long water fasts, the muscle can lose volume due to water and glucose (sugar) loss. There is even a Medical Society for Fasting Cures in Germany called, 'Ärztegesellschaft für Heilfasten und Ernährung' (ÄGHE, Medical Society for Fasting Cures and Nutrition) and they published the first guidelines for therapeutic fasting in 2002. (research) Dr Andreas Michalsen ends his article on the "Karger - Medical and Scientific Publishers" Website with: "Considering these findings on fasting, this issue should encourage clinicians, clinical scientists, and basic researchers to study still unsolved problems in fasting physiology as well as the mechanisms behind the beneficial effects of fasting for preventing and treating diseases." THE TIME OF THERAPEUTIC FASTING HAS FINALLY COME! Stay Healthy and Keep Juicing
Mona Marie, Juice Fasting Maven
1 Comment
1/22/2016 1 Comment Almond Milk - Homemade is BestGOT MILK? - NO THANKS! There’s no other “food” that is more difficult to digest than milk. Casein, which accounts for approximately 80% of the protein found in milk, immediately clumps together once it enters the stomach, making digestion very difficult. Furthermore, the most popular store-bought milks are homogenized. Homogenization suspends the milk-fat particles to prevent the fat from floating to the top. Homogenization introduces air into the milk and oxidizes the fatty substance, creating free radicals which are extremely toxic to our body. It doesn’t stop there: now the milk gets pasteurized at high temperatures to kill bacteria. As we have learned in the enzyme chapter, high temperatures destroy enzymes. In short, milk sold in stores not only lack precious enzymes, but the milk-fat is oxidized and the quality of the proteins is changed due to pasteurization. Milk is the worst type of food, for kids and adults alike. Some of the side effects drinking milk can cause are:
Homemade Almond Mylk - This is How I Make ItIngredients:
You could also make different nut-mylks. I have found almond to make the best tasting mylk. Experiment with the ingredients. Add dates, chocolate, honey, spices and more.
Enjoy! Monika Baechler You are too familiar with the symptoms of sinus infections. When your nasal passages become infected, you can suffer from sinus pressure, a runny and stuffy nose, headache, cough, halitosis and that nasty yellow or green mucus that keeps draining from your nose even down the back of your throat (postnasal drip).
(Let's just all gag for a second here) I do feel for you if you suffer from sinus infections regularly. It is a drag. However, you CAN get rid of it naturally. How? To be clear, I am no medical professional, but you can be glad I am not. I'm a Cert. Nutrition Specialist with over 16 years of experience. If I were a doctor, I would have to write you a prescription for antibiotics or even prescribe your nasal surgery. How insane is that? How does that main code of doctors honour go? DO NO HARM? That is right; do no harm. Now I am not sure about you, as I understand it, surgery is a big deal. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine published the famous "To Err Is Human" report, which stated that up to 98'000 people a year die because of mistakes in hospitals. Yes, the number was initially disputed, but it is now widely accepted by doctors and hospital officials and frequently quoted in the media. What we are dealing with here is mucus. Mucus is one of those skin-crawling bodily fluids nobody wants to talk about. Mucus is quite normal to have in the human body, but if your system is overproducing mucus anywhere, it is a problem. Now let us ask us the question, what external influence could trigger my body to produce excess mucus? Yes, it could be an allergy, toxins, smoke or anything irritating. However, here is my take on recurrent sinus infections. There is no other "food" that is more difficult to digest than milk. Casein, which accounts for approximately 80% of the protein found in milk, immediately clumps together once it enters the stomach, making digestion very difficult. Furthermore, the most popular store-bought milk is homogenized. Homogenization suspends the milk-fat particles to prevent the fat from floating to the top. Homogenization introduces air into the milk and oxidizes the fatty substance, creating free radicals extremely toxic to our body. It does not stop there: now the milk gets pasteurized at high temperatures to kill bacteria. As you know from canning, high temperatures destroy enzymes. In short, milk sold in stores lacks precious life-force, but the milk-fat is oxidized, and the quality of the proteins is changed due to pasteurization. Milk is the worst type of food, for kids and adults alike. Some of the side effects of drinking milk can cause are:
Bad eating habits we have come to love are killing us. Animal protein and starchy grains like flour products become sticky glue in our system, which leads to a clogged up body with pus, mucus, toxins, and foreign matter. Mucus and toxins from GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) processed foods lead to inflammations and cell death in our system. We demand too much from our bodies as we live our hectic and stressful lives. A disease "symptom" is nothing else than the manifestation of poison and waste matter collected within our body. Not that we have not been warned for years by headaches, migraines, pain, obesity, and brain fog, but enough is enough. The discomforts of diseases are nothing but symptoms of detoxification. Our body's sole goal is to keep us clean by eliminating waste, and here we are suppressing our body's efforts of cleansing/healing with drugs and more garbage (food). In our high tech and pharmaceutical age, the simple facts of human healing are overlooked or have been forgotten. We keep depriving our bodies of sunshine, natural clean spring water, ocean water (swimming), fresh air, outdoor exercise and organic plant-based foods. We lack vitamin D (actually a hormone), enzymes, vitamins, raw fibre, superfoods, and most of all; minerals. If I could prescribe you a healing protocol for your sinus infection, it would be relatively simple really - Quit Drinking Milk and Stop Eating Animal Products. I let you soak in that realization now. Do not worry; most people are in shock after getting told to ditch the milk they have come to love. Nevertheless, let us think about the cow-milk-consumption for a second. We are told to drink cow's milk because it is good for us. After all, it is the world's best food, and we sure cannot live without it. There is only have one problem with it. Cow's milk is destined to grow an 80-pound calf into a 1300 pound cow within two years. Ever wonder why our kids grow so quickly these days and why childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years? After two years old, children even stop producing lactase, which helps us digest lactose in milk. In 2012, more than one-third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese! You can argue with me till the cows come home, but the truth is "udderly" simple! Cow's milk is not fit for human consumption any longer. The raw, healthy, grass-fed cow that lived on nothing but healthy organic pastures rarely exists. Yes, here in Switzerland, we do have them, and they are not fed any hormones, antibiotics or grains. Still, no matter how you look at it, children to develop health problems like tonsillitis, ear infections and asthma because of it. I hear your desperation. "But how am I going to eat my favourite cereal?" Calm down. You can have your cereal and eat it too! There are multiple delicious plant-based kinds of milk to pick from.
The best part is, you can make most of them at home, for little money! Recipe: Almond Milk You need:
Use a High-Speed Blender like Vitamix
There you have it! Easy as Almond Milk! Experiment with flavours like chocolate or cinnamon, cardamom or any spice you like. You could also use a little less water, about 3 cups, to make a deliciously creamy almond milk creamer for teas and coffee. If you have questions, comments or angry outburst, please comment! Keep on Juicing and Stay Healthy Mona Marie |
AuthorWelcome, I'm Mona Marie. I'm helping Women over 40 heal and rediscover their true selves again by igniting a spark and encourage hope. As a Fasting Coach, a Cert. Nutrition Specialist, and a Master Herbalist, I'm thrilled to help you on your way of healing. CategoriesAll Almond Contest Digestion Eating Disorders Fasting Food Safety Health Infection Juice Fast Juicing Milk Nasal Recipe Sinus Toxins Weight Loss Archives
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