Tell me this, when was the last time you saw a worm in your apple that was bought in the supermarket? You probably can't recall, as it was a very long time ago or never. The reason why you can't find little critters munching away in your produce isn't hard to guess. Your supermarket only sells the most appealing produce to you. To keep the fruits and vegetables unblemished, farmers douse them with pesticides. So if you buy them in any developed country, you end up eating a lot of pesticides. Just how big is the danger you ask? Approximately five billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other biocides are being added to the world each year. Remembering that hormones are secreted and act in very minute quantities, you will appreciate the fact that we have enough contaminants to ruin our health many times over. The New Dirty Dozen warn consumers of the highest pesticide offenders. Apples consistently rank at the top of the list. Some more than 45 different pesticides have been detected on the fruit of sin. Don't be surprised to find a cocktail of pesticides in apples juice, apples sauce and all apple products if not organic. The New Dirty Dozen List:
If you can't afford to buy all these fruits and vegetables organic, don't despair! Buy some of these clean and safe foods that rank typically low in pesticide residue. Clean 16!
By now you're wondering what YOU can do about pesticides on produce and if there is a natural way of removing pesticides from produce to protect your family? The answer is YES. You can buy all your produce organic and eliminate most of the chemicals. But what if you're on a budget like most of us. What if you can't afford organic fruits and vegetables? You can use natural home made veggie wash, which is inexpensive and real simple to prepare. SOAK PRODUCE IN:
Are you also wondering why there's wax on fruits and vegetables? It's quite simple, wax retains water in fruits and vegetables in the same way that moisturizers do to the skin. Wax on fruits and vegetables protects against bruising, mold growth, and extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Distributors like to wax the fruits and vegetables because it protects their products. Supermarkets like waxes because the high shine from the wax makes the fruits and vegetables look attractive and fresh. One type of wax is carnauba, from the leaves of palm trees. The manufacturer’s claim this product has “a superior natural wax emulsion with a high gloss, long shelf life and superior drying characteristics.” Isn't this something my car detailer would say? Due to its high melting temperature, the wax can't be washed off. What you CAN do is to wash these products in the veggie wash and peel. The non-organic fruits and vegetables that are commonly waxed include:
But wait, there's more! Juicing can remove Pesticides! This is where juicing comes in. - N. Walker, the inventor and "father" of the juicer said that in his experiments he has found toxins are retained in the fibers of the vegetables and are not present in the fiber-free juices. Blending and mixing fruits and vegetables with a blender or a mixer, like the Nutri Bullet or Vitamix, will not remove the fiber from fruits and vegetables. Juicing produce can only be achieved by extracting the juice from its fiber with a Juicer! Some of the everyday juicers I recommend for affordability, juice quality and simplicity, I've listed below. How do I remove the toxins and pesticides I've already consumed from my system? Our toxicity comes from the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the chemicals we use on our skin, household products we clean with and building materials we use, but this list is almost never ending. Just think about the processed foods we buy these days, they are acidic, mucus forming, energy-robbing and protein-toxic products. Accumulations of these toxins will clog up your system with mucus and waste-matter. This toxicity and mucus are stored in all tissues of our body, but mostly in sinuses, lungs, liver, the skin, the kidneys and they thyroid. Have you ever thought about the amount of mucus that comes out of your sinuses during a cold? Many diseases like colds and natural detoxification processes that manifest themselves as “diseases” are an effort of your body to purge the accumulated toxins and mucus from the system. To find out more about cleansing and detoxifying your system, please refer to "How can I Benefit from a Juice Fast?" If you have any questions, you can email me at monika (at) Keep Juicing! Monika Baechler, Juice Fasting Maven
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AuthorWelcome, I'm Mona Marie. I'm helping Women over 40 heal and rediscover their true selves again by igniting a spark and encourage hope. As a Fasting Coach, a Cert. Nutrition Specialist, and a Master Herbalist, I'm thrilled to help you on your way of healing. CategoriesAll Almond Contest Digestion Eating Disorders Fasting Food Safety Health Infection Juice Fast Juicing Milk Nasal Recipe Sinus Toxins Weight Loss Archives
February 2021